Meet Nick Florido

Company Profile

I also like to call my program 'Relationship Based Selling'

Where we sell based on building life long relationships

Nick Florido is the developer of the revolutionary sales training process – the PRIMAL™ Direct Sell Process which has been adopted by many of Australia's leading sales organizations. The program's phenomenal success has earned him recognition as one of Australia's leading Sales Trainers.

Nick has worked in many direct sell Sales and Management positions, in a career that has spanned 35 years, including as the National Sales and Marketing Manager of a major Australian Manufacturer in control of over 200 sales people with the responsibility of training many, from novice status upwards. .

Nick draws on his practical experience to maintain his high standards of training, and also the academic rigors of a Masters Degree in Leadership and Management from Curtin University in Western Australia.

The PRIMAL™ Direct Sell Process  focuses on the principles of Relationship Based Selling and PRIMAL™ Sales Training has numerous testimonials from sales people and companies all over the country to attest to the high quality of his sales training programs.

Key Point of Difference

Why Businesses Choose the Primal Sales Training Company

The fundamental reason why businesses engage the Primal Sales Training Company rather than any other training company is because this is a practical course

Once we conduct the theory training, we go out side by side, in the field with each of the trainees and coach them to use the selling skills on real prospects.

We don't hope they will use the training, we know they will use it


This maximizes the biggest bang for your training buck!